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Dominik Landertinger
Dominik Landertinger is a trained coach and is responsible for the performance diagnostics carried out by Dominik Landertinger Performance. He evaluates the results and tailors an individual training plan to each athlete.
- Qualified instructor for cross-country skiing
- Qualified instructor for biathlon
- Qualified trainer
- Qualified special trainer for biathlon
- 22 years of sports experience at the highest level
Sporting career: four-time Olympic medallist, five-time Biathlon World Championship medallist and world champion, on the World Cup podium 37 times
From 2008 to 2020, Dominik was part of the ÖSV Biathlon national team. He now wants to pass on his experience to other athletes.
Martin Kulaita
Physiotherapist, responsible for the physiotherapy assessment and for agreeing resistance exercises.
- Qualified medical masseur
- Qualified therapeutic masseur
- Qualified physiotherapist
From 2016 to 2018, Martin was a physiotherapist with the biathlon and cross-country skiing team. He also runs his own practice and teaches therapeutic diagnosis at the AZW (Training Centre West for Health Professionals, Innsbruck).
Katharina Mikula
Katharina is a sports scientist and training therapist and is responsible for organizational matters in addition to performance diagnostics, training planning, coaching and corporate health.
- Master's degree in sports science, University of Vienna
- Accreditation as training therapist
- Instructor mountain bike and bike tour guide, BSPA Linz
Further education (lung sports trainer, personal trainer education, classical massage, foot reflexology, BSO sports manager U26 basis, sling training, flexi bar, exercise instructor for senior sports, Nordic walking instructor, snowboard instructor)